Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Updates on the EU Funded Project, “Action for Strengthening Good Governance and Accountability in Uganda”

This project is being carried out through a partnership between Konrad Adeneur Shiftung (KAS) and Action for Development (ACFODE)

Inception workshop:

Following the start of the project “Action for Strengthening Good Governance and Accountability in Uganda”, an inception and management workshop was held from Tuesday 13th- Thursday 15th September 2011 at Kabira Country Club to orient the Project Team on the project idea and concept as well as give a detailed introduction of objectives, results and activities of the project. Also carried out was a review of the project application. An update of the activity plan for the next 12 months with a detailed description, division of responsibilities between partners was also carried out.

Pre-visits by members of the Project team to the Districts where the Action is to be implemented:

Members of the Project Team concluded pre-visits in the districts of Masaka, Mbarara, Kabale, Kisoro, Jinja, Kiboga, Pallisa, Soroti, as well as in Lira, Pader and Arua in the North. The pre-visits aimed at introducing the project to the major stakeholders and to inform them of the planned project activities. In meetings with the district leadership the ground was laid for effective communication and fruitful cooperation towards achieving the project objectives.

While the training materials are currently being developed, the pre-visits have provided a starting point for effective communication and cooperation in the planning towards the first training activities at district level which will kick-off early next year.

Submitted By Sandra Nassali

Public Relations & Communications Officer

Action For Development

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


We are happy to announce that issue 51 for the Arise Magazine is on!!

The theme for this issue is: “From Economic Crunch to Social Meltdown – Impact of the Global Economic Recession and How We Can Cope with it.”

Though Uganda has actually been ranked the 3rd among countries with the highest growth rate following China and Peru (growing at an average of 6.7 per cent for the last 20 years), it has been said by many that the country is experiencing an economic recession- a business cycle contraction and a general slowdown in economic activity.

Production, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP), employment, investment spending, capacity utilization, household incomes, business profits, and inflation have all fallen, while bankruptcies and the unemployment rate are on the rise.

Other problems include: low levels of productivity low export performance and high import levels and of late, the country has also experienced a drastic depreciation of the Shilling, which have combined to make life almost impossible even for the hitherto high income earners

This has resulted in social unrest emanating from the severely deprived groups of people as they groan in poverty and lack; notwithstanding the fact that many the harsh economic situation occasioned by sky rocketing prices of goods and services, amidst high rates of unemployment.

This issue of the Arise will for that reason aim at proposing ways on how ordinary Ugandans, especially women can go about the recession because many economic experts assert that this situation is bound to go on for the next two years. People, especially women thus need ideas, guidelines or even solutions on how to cope with this situation.

This notification is there to request you submit articles in relation to the above aforementioned.

Articles with the following credentials should be submitted:

· Articles that have 800-1000 words with innovative, practical and creative ideas/ writing skills

· Photographs with high resolution to support submitted information

· Pass port photo of the writer (high resolution) with any other relevant information i.e. work place, job description and email address

Deadline for submission is 26th October. Articles challenging the theme as also very welcome

In case of any inquires/ more info, send email to /

Looking forward to a positive response from you

FYI: Arise Magazine highlights and disseminates information regarding the advancement of women and also serves to build confidence in women and enhance their positive image in society, and to facilitate change of attitudes that hinder women’s advancement and emancipation. It also highlights achievements, best practices and the challenges that gender activism encounters locally, nationally and internationally. Publications started in 1991 and so far, 50 issues, covering the entire range of the gender equality and equity subject, have been published.

Sandra Nassali

Public Relations & Communications Officer

Action For Development